Category: Соняшникова олія

Impact of different pressing methods on the quality and nutritional properties of sunflower oil
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Impact of different pressing methods on the quality and nutritional properties of sunflower oil

The demand for vegetable oils is constantly growing. To make it a true source of microelements, beneficial vitamins and amino acids, the production process must be carried out properly: prepare the raw materials for processing; process it; process the final product. Oil can be produced by extraction using solvents or by cold and hot pressing using various equipment assembled into a pressing line. TAN offers high-quality equipment for oil and fat plants at attractive prices. Our experts will help you choose the best equipment option. Basics of sunflower oil production If we are talking about the pressing method to produce oil, the production technology involves the following steps drying of sunflower seeds; cleaning the seeds from debris and husks;  hulling (destruction of seed shells by mechanical action); separation of the husk into kernels and husks; grinding kernels on rolling machines to produce oilcake (pulp). The latter is a semi-finished product […]

Sunflower oil refining technologies: how to improve its quality and shelf life
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Sunflower oil refining technologies: how to improve its quality and shelf life

Various types of vegetable oils, including sunflower oil, can be refined or unrefined. Both types of this product are obtained from the same raw material, but different methods are used to extract oil from it and further processing. In the case of unrefined, it is cold or hot pressing, and in the case of refined, it can be also solvent extraction. In addition, refined oil undergoes several stages of processing and purification using a comprehensive vegetable oil refining and deodorization line that includes various types of specialized equipment, while unrefined oil undergoes only mechanical filtration. What is oil refining? Refining is the process of purifying a substance from undesirable impurities. In case of vegetable oil, it means removing undesirable non-fat, organoleptic and other types of impurities using various purification methods: physical chemical combination of physical and chemical.  Each of these methods removes different types of impurities from the oil. Advantages […]

Прес для віджиму олії: різновиди та особливості
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Прес для віджиму олії: різновиди та особливості

Механічний віджим — один із способів виробництва рослинної олії. Серцем такого методу є шнековий маслопрес. Це обладнання дозволяє вилучити олію з насіння соняшника, льону, бавовни, рапсу та інших олійних культур.

What is the process of producing sunflower oil?
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What is the process of producing sunflower oil?

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